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Innovative, Modern and Efficient  

Serving Dallas, Fort Worth, DFW, and Texas 
The Smart Way to Divorce

  1. $15k+
    Contested Divorce without Children
  2. $25k+
    Contested Divorce with Children
  3. $0
    Uncontested Divorce Attorney Fees
  4. 15x
    Less Expensive for Mediation
Path to a Cost Effective Divorce
  1. Pay No Attorneys Fees
    Paying attorneys is the single greatest cost in divorce. What if you never had to hire lawyers? Read on...It is possible!
  2. Finish Before You File
    If you have all your issues decided before you file, then you have eliminated over 90% of potential divorce costs! Now you just need to file and get the divorce finalized.
  3. Stay Uncontested
    If your divorce settlement is binding, then it can only be changed by mutual signature. The court will follow this if it is properly executed.
  4. Breeze Through Court
    If you have an uncontested divorce, you will only need to finalize your divorce after filing
  5. Go Uncontested
    The Court only knows 2 kinds of divorce: contested and uncontested. This single factor will determine if you have to pay a fortune.
  6. Execute A Plan
    1. Mediate before you file. 2. Sign an MSA that will be followed by the courts. 3. File and be done.
Do the bulk of your Mediation online
Is Mediation Right for You?
If you and your spouse are open to working your details out  versus in a battling in a courtroom, Mediation might be right for you...



Court Documents

We offer a online platform that delivers convenience, speed and efficiency
Enter your Mediation Information and Issues from your own Computer
Settlement Agreements in Court ready format
What We Offer
  1. A Package
    Save by paying one flat fee for online mediation, private sessions and custom settlement drafting.
  2. Divorce Filing
    We provide you with a step by step guide how to file for divorce without hiring an attorney.
  3. Mediated Settlement Agreement
    The Mediated Settlement Agreement is binding on courts and you wont have to fight it out in court.
  4. Avoid Lawyer Fees
    This is the cost that drives a divorce into five figures. If you want to save money and resolve the issues yourself, this is the way to go.
  5. Confidentiality
    The mediator cannot be called as a witness nor can anything said in Mediation be used in court.
  6. Credentials
    Your mediation will be conducted by a licensed attorney who understands family law.
  7. Privacy
    Mediation is confidential. Contested divorces are public record. Mediation keeps any sensitive issues hidden.
  8. A Plan
    We will outline the entire process and give you information on how to finalize your divorce following Mediation. We will give you a step by step guide.
  9. Begin Now
    You wont be waiting for the perfect calendar dates. You can start today!
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